Case studies
Commit Works helps resource sector companies to create Commitment Systems that drive rapid, sustainable productivity improvement.
A global leader since 2011, we help mid and top-tier customers on five continents to achieve high impact and sustainable results. Having lived and breathed continuous improvement in the resources industry, our team has retained the human side of visual management whilst digitising the tools.
Our growing list of customers includes Anglo American, BHP, Glencore, Rio Tinto, Fitzroy, Qcoal, Volcan and others. We work across multiple resource types and mining methods in underground coal, underground hard rock, open cut, mining plant and smelters.

Enhancing Operational Discipline and Cost Savings at Peruvian Underground Mine through CiteOps

Commit Works technology and Volcan start to ease bottlenecks at underground mines through a systems view of frontline operation.

Discover how CiteOps proved it mettle as a planning tool designed for frontline people that is elegant in its simplicity, and ultimately, its scalability.

Learn how Commit Works helped this South American gold mine boost their performance in months of implementation.

Discover how this underground hard rock mine digitised their control tower with Commit Works – coordinating shifts, supporting management behaviours and instilling accountability.

Implementing Commit Works enabled this coal mine in Queensland, Australia to increase their production after going live.

Learn how Commit Works empowered this gold mine to do a complete turnaround, resulting in an increase in gold production.