Commit Works How mining consultants thinkMining consultants are an unbiased third party that companies rely on to help them improve…Sandeep Vutukuru
Commit Works Mining technology improving the bottom lineMining technology makes life easier because, just does. Mining and logistics are large industries…Sandeep Vutukuru
Commit Works The secret of productivity using mining softwareMining software is a recent innovation that's assisted companies make major leaps in their performance…Sandeep Vutukuru
Commit Works RPM Launches Integrated Short Interval Control SystemBRISBANE, AUSTRALIA, MARCH 7, 2017 – RungePincockMinarco Limited (RPM) has today launched its latest enterprise…Sandeep Vutukuru
Commit Works This Innovative Work Management System is Simple but PowerfulStreamlining operational processes and getting teams working safely and productively is the driving force behind…Sandeep Vutukuru
Commit Works Creating trust and result in tough timesCommitment management leads to high trust workplaces and significantly improved results. In times like these,…Sandeep Vutukuru
Commit Works Fewzion for Operations and Technology LeadersThis presentation was made at the CIO strategy summit in Melbourne early this year. In…Sandeep Vutukuru
Commit Works Why productivity in mining has decreased?Management operating systems have been implemented to help companies improve different aspects that define their success. Using…Sandeep Vutukuru
Commit Works Why mining needs new technologies?Mining industry has been extremely successful for the last years, providing a lot of jobs…Sandeep Vutukuru
Commit Works The Science of Influence and Decision-MakingYour ability to make decisions and influence people at work are critical to your success,…Sandeep Vutukuru