Commitment Manifesto

Commitment Manifesto

We wrote the commitment manifesto to spark a conversation about how high-trust, high-commitment organisations work. We believe that organisations that work in alignment with these principles create a committed workplace which delivers extraordinary employee, shareholder, community and customer results.

  • We lead workplaces where leaders trust their people to make and fulfil commitments to each other.
  • As leaders, we set clear expectations with our teams and negotiate realistic commitments from the board room to the coal face
  • We plan our work to deliver on targets with our people and equipment.
  • Everyone can have input to the plan, either by suggesting work, improving processes or accurately sharing their reality.
  • We collaborate across all functions and crews so everyone on site knows what will happen next and people say, โ€œThings get done when they are in the planโ€.
  • We commit to plans that are both based in reality and focused on outcomes. But the world we operate in changes fast, so we adapt quickly and transparently.
  • At regular intervals we reflect on progress, provide feedback and adjust our practices accordingly.
  • We adhere to the Plan, Do, Check, Act (PDCA) cycle and act on the learning opportunities we get from any variance from the plan.
  • We fix root causes to improve the โ€œrealโ€ work process where it happens.
  • We use technology to improve our work processes, our productivity and the results of our organisation.