Look around you… everything you see was made by a person using a piece of equipment, following a process, being led by a supervisor. Does it surprise you that in most cases the supervisor and the crew didn’t have a plan when they started work that day…?
Fewzion is online work management software that is fixing this and in the process creating more organized, engaged and productive workforces around the world. One of our mining clients recently reported on their global investor web site that they had improved productivity by 39% in 2014 and (instead of a large piece of yellow machinery) they chose to show a photo of their supervisors, talking about performance whilst using our software to illustrate how they did it.
To plan a shift you need to know who’s going to be at work each shift. If you’re sick to death of the spreadsheets and forms necessary for workforce scheduling then our resource scheduling software tools could be just what you need. Our workforce scheduling software tools are designed to save your leaders a huge amount of time and ensure they stay on top of the time and attendance of their people, best of all it’s easy to use, quick to set up and simple for everyone.
We are excited to be working with some of the smartest operations consultants in Australia to help them improve the effectiveness and sustainability of their work with major blue collar workforces. We are even more excited to be able to use the elevate61 program to help us connect with their international counterparts and grow quickly outside of Australia.