Instant task recurrences – Scheduling software
Recurring tasks are amongst one of the most useful features in Fewzion scheduling software in order to help you with your scheduling plan. Our first implementation was great but changes to the recurring pattern only came into effect at the time of creating next week’s shift plans, a very predictable but basic mechanism, so we thought that it was about time to improve it.
Changes to standard task recurrences now get applied instantly, but don’t worry, Fewzion as a proven scheduling software will show you any differences to the tasks since they were recurrently scheduled, and lets you decide which changed and moved tasks to keep.
We hope that you find our solution to this complex problem as simple as we aim all features in Fewzion to be, and of course we would love to hear your feedback since we want to improve our scheduling software in order to make your work a lot easier and every comment or suggestion will always be well received.