In 2020, the resource industry is facing unprecedented challenges brought on by social distancing and isolation constraints. The need to maintain continuity and reduce variability in a complex, ever-changing mining environment has never been more pressing. But even when faced with the new normal, frontline leaders and their crews still need a good shift plan to be able to work safely and productively in the mine.
Our team witnessed this first-hand as we spent time working with our clients across multiple recourse types and mining methods to help them use our online frontline productivity tools to connect their teams, collaboratively plan and then control work on site. Teams that use conventional spreadsheets to pull a plan together and crowd around a whiteboard or screen to collaborate on the plan have really struggled under the new constraints.
In this white paper, we look at how implementing a connected, collaborative frontline productivity solution can help operations navigate these unprecedented times. The paper also looks at how operations can implement new software without disrupting operations and actually improve their operational performance this year.
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